Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Financial Reporting and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Reporting and Analysis - Essay Example b) The Board may be required to abandon neutrality and establish standards of reporting that conceals the particular transactions impact from the users of the financial reports. These costs will, however, exist regardless whether or not FASB authorizes their recognition in financial statements. It will not alter the economics of transaction and it will only withhold information from the users of the financial reports while making informed decisions and, eventually, the credibility of financial reports is impaired. c) The SEC relies on the Board and the private sector predecessors to establish and upgrade financial accounting and the reporting standards Accounting standards are therefore, established through a due process and open deliberations system to improve and certify the Board’s mission of improving financial reporting. By developing neutral accounting standards to the best interest of the public, similar transactions should be treated similarly and different transactions treated differently. This clearly shows that standard setting is in private sector in US. d) Some accounting standards are subverted so that they can achieve their purpose which is not related to fair and accurate presentation of financial statements. They there fore fail in the purpose they serve and consequently lack economic effect since they are not of importance to decision makers on allocation of resources and making other economic decisions. a) Dividends should be disclosed in changes of equity statement and in the notes as follows. Dividends that are declared are entered in the Retained Earnings account on the credit side and credited to the dividends payable account. When paid, dividends are posted to the dividends payable account in the debit side and to the Cash account, are posted to the credit side. Notes concerning the dividends can be illustrated as follows; b) The provision for a law suit should not be disclosed because the likelihood of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Case Study: Hypertension in Pregnancy

Case Study: Hypertension in Pregnancy Main Complaint My patient Madam Siti a 31 year old Indonesian maid Gravida 3 para 2 at 38 weeks and 1day of Period of Amenorrhoea (POA) was admitted to the ward for blood pressure stabilization and induction of labour (IOL). History of Presenting Illness She was referred from antenatal clinic during follow up in PPUKM on 29/11/2010. During the check up at the follow up, her vital sign showed she was afebrile, pulse rate of 90beats per minute and blood pressure was noted to be 160/100mmHg and no abnormality was found in the urine. During booking her blood pressure was noted to be 100/70mmHg and she was normotensive throughout the pregnancy up until at 38weeks and 1day of POA. She complained to have frontal headache and nausea 2 days prior to admission. She denied symptoms of impending eclampsia such as blurring of vision, epigastric pain and vomiting. There was also no dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, reduced urine frequency and leg swelling. She also had per vaginal discharge which was whitish and creamy in nature, no foul smelling and no pruritus vulvae. There was no urinary tract infection symptoms such as urgency and dysuria. Fetal movement was good. She was admitted to the ward for further management. Antenatal History This is an unplanned but wanted pregnancy. Her urine pregnancy test (UPT) was positive at 6weeks of POA. Dating scan done at 15weeks of POA which correspond to date. Booking was done at 15weeks of POA at private clinic at Medviron. Antenatal screening done showed that: Blood Pressure : 110/70mmHg Haemoglobin level : 12.8g/dL Height : 158cm Weight : Pre : 62kg Current : 69kg Blood Group : O Positive VDRL/HIV/HEP B : Non Reactive Urine Albumin/Sugar : Nil No MGTT was done. Despite having a family history of diabetes mellitus. Latest scan done at 38 weeks and 1day POA and all parameters are correspond to date. It was a singleton fetus on longitudinal lie and cephalic presentation. Fetal heart and fetal movement are seen. Amniotic Fluid Index are 11. Estimated fetal weight was 3.3kg and placenta was on anterior upper segment. Otherwise, antenatal visits are uneventful. Past Obstetric History On 1999, she had a full term normal pregnancy and delivered a baby girl by Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (SVD) at a hospital in Indonesia and weight of the baby was 2.6kg and is alive and well. On 2007, she also had a full term normal pregnancy and delivered a baby boy by spontaneous vaginal delivery also at Indonesia. The baby weight 2.3kg and currently is alive and well. Both of her children stays with her mother at Indonesia. Past Gynaecology History She attained her menarche at the age of 13year old with 28 to 30days regular cycle with 7days of menses. She denied dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleeding, dyspareunia and postcoital bleeding. As for contraception, she uses Implanon for 4years from 2002 to 2006 between the first and the second pregnancy. She was then on Oral Contraceptive Pills for 2months and had stop taking them afterward until today. After this pregnancy, she is keen to take Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD). She had never had pap smear done before. Past Medical History Nil. Past Surgical History Nil. Allergy and Drug History No known drug allergy or food allergy. Family History Her mother is alive and was diagnosed to have diabetes mellitus and hypertension and currently on medication. Her father died on 2007 due to renal failure. She had 3siblings and currently all of them are alive and well. Social History She has been married for 12years and came to Malaysia on 2006 which was 4years ago. She lives in a terrace house at Cheras and worked as a maid. Her husband came to Malaysia 5years ago but had recently go back to Indonesia 2months ago. He previously worked as a contractor for the same employer. He planned to return to Malaysia after his permit is renewed. Both of them does not smoke or consumed alcohol. Both of their children were in Indonesia and are taken care by her mother. Relevant Clinical Examination General On examination, she was alert, conscious and she was not pale or jaundiced. Her Blood Pressure was 142/92mmHg lying and 152/104mmHg standing. Her pulse rate was 90beats per minute and respiratory rate was 20breath per minute. She was afebrile. Her current weight was 69kg. There was no pedal oedema noted. Thyroid Gland There was no scar, lump or dilated veins noted around the area of the neck. There was no lymphadenopathy noted. Breast On inspection, both breast were symmetrical and bilaterally in size. Both her nipple were not hyperpigmented or retracted. There was no nipple discharge. Her breast were non tender and no mass was palpable. Cardiovascular System On inspection of the hand, there was no clubbing and peripheral cyanosis. Inspection of the mouth showed that there was no central cyanosis and hydration status was good. There was no surgical scar and no notable abnormalities detected on the praecordium. Jugular Venous Pressure was not raised. Peripheral pulses were present with normal rhythm and good volume. There was no radio-radial delay or radio femoral delay. There was no collapsing pulse. On palpation, apex beat was not displaced it was palpable at the 5th intercostals space and left midclavicular line. There was no parasternal heave and thrills detected. On auscultation, the first and second heart sounds were heard with no murmur or added sound heard. Respiratory System On inspection, the chest moved bilateral symmetrically with inspiration. There was no scars and deformities noted. She did not use accessory muscles on breathing. On palpation, her trachea was not deviated. Chest expansion was equal bilaterally. Air entry was good and equal bilaterally as evidenced by normal vocal fremitus and vocal resonance. Percussion of both lungs were resonant. There were vesical breath sounds equal on both sides with no added sounds on auscultation. Neurological System She was orientated to time, place, and person. All cranial nerves were intact. Both her upper and lower limbs were normal. Muscle tones, power, and reflexes were all good and normal. Abdominal Examination On inspection, the abdomen was distended by gravid uterus as evidenced by cutaneous signs of pregnancy such as linea nigra and striae gravidarum. The umbilicus is centrally located and flat. No scars noted and no dilated veins seen. On palpation, her abdomen was soft and non tender and uterus was not irritable. Clinical fundal height revealed that the uterus was 38weeks in size and was correspond to date. Symphysiofundal height was 37cm. Palpation of the fetus showed that it was a singleton in longitudinal lie with cephalic presentation. The head was 3/5 palpable and not engaged. The fetal back was on the maternal left side. The liquor was adequate and estimated fetal weight was 3.2 to 3.4kg. Pelvic Examination Vaginal examination was not done. Per Rectal Examination Per rectal examination was not done. Summary of Case 31year old maid gravida3 para2 at 38weeks and 1day POA admitted for blood pressure stabilization and induction of labour (IOL) due to gestational hypertention. Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis Provisional Diagnosis Gestational Hypertension: She develop hypertension which is a blood pressure of 140/90mmHg aand above recorded on 2 separate occasions at least 4hours apart. Hypertension occur in second half of pregnancy which is after 20weeks of gestation. She is previously normotensive. There is absence of proteinuria She had risk factor; family history of hypertension. Differential Diagnosis Pre-eclampsia: Points for: Hypertension at least 140/90mmHg recorded on 2 separate occasions at least 4hours apart. Hypertension occur at second half of pregnancy, after 20weeks gestation. She is previously normotensive. She had risk factor; family history of hypertension. Points against: There was absence of proteinuria of at least 300mg Protein in a 24hour collection of urine. She had no risk factor such as pre-existing hypertension or pre-eclampsia. Chronic Hypertension: Points for: She has a family history of hypertension. Points against: She is normotensive prior to pregnancy. She had no other disease such as renal or connective tissue disorders that can lead to hypertension. Relevant Investigations with Reasons Full Blood Count To check whether patient is anaemic or not (Hb). To confirm patient is not on any infection such as urinary tract infection (WBC). White Cell Count + 14.2 x 109/L Red Cell Count 4.18 x 1012/L Haemoglobin 12.3 g/dL MCV 37.1% MCH 88.7 Fl MCHC 29.3 Pg RDW 33.0 g/dL Mean Platelet Volume 8.0 Fl Platelet 302 x 109 /L Neutrophils ++ 10.3 x 109 /L Eosinophils 0.4 x 109 /L Basophils 0.0 x 109 /L Lymphocytes 2.6 x 109 /L Monocytes 0.9 x 109 /L Nucleated RBC 0 x 109 /L Comment: There is a reduction of Red Cell count. This is due to pregnancy, as there is haemodilutional effect due to an increase in plasma volume. Patient is not anaemic as haemoglobin is on the normal range. However, there is leukocytosis mainly the neutrophils. This suggest an infection most likely bacterial in origin such as urinary tract infection. Renal profle To exclude secondary cause of hypertension due to renal damage. To detect abnormality in the level of serum urea and creatinine that will indicate renal damage or failure. Sodium 139 mmol/L Potassium 4.0 mmol/L Urea 2.3 mmol/L Creatinine 54 umol/L Comment: There is hypouremia. This is normal in pregnancy, as there will be an increase in Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), therefore there will an increase in clearence of urea in the body. Besides that, a reduction in deamination process in the maternal body will also cause blood urea to be reduce. Liver Function Test To see whether patient had any liver damage Albumin 33 g/L Total Protein 68g/L Bilirubin toral 6 umol/L ALT 19 u/L ALP + 141 u/L Comment: There is hypoalbuminaemia. There is increase level of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) due to placenta production. Thus, making it a normal physiological reaction. Serum Uric Acid Serum uric acid is a sensitive indicator of renal damage in pre-eclampsia. Uric Acid 371 umol/L Comment: Serum uric acid level is normal. Suggesting there is no renal damage. PE/ Pre-eclampsia Chart To monitor her blood pressure on lying and standing To monitor her urine whether there is albuminuria or not. To detect pre-eclampsia. Result: Other than the increase in blood pressure prior to delivery, there is no albuminuria noted. Therefore, patient did not have pre-eclampsia. Fetal Kick Chart To monitor the fetal well being. If there is decreased fetal activity, it may indicate some degree of fetal compromise. Cardiotocography (CTG) To monitor the heart rate and contraction of the uterus to detect abnormalities in the pregnancy. Ultrasound. To assess the fetal growth. Identify The Problem in Terms of Priority Gestational Hypertension. Induction of labour in gestational hypertension. Immediate and Subsequent Management Admit to ward for BP monitoring and stabilization. Monitor for any signs and symptoms of impending eclampsia. Bed rest. BP monitoring 2hourly for 24hours. If blood pressure reduce or return to normal patient can be discharge and to come again for antenatal follow up. Bed rest continued if persistent. Antihypertensive medication given if BP consistently noted to be 150/100mmHg. Preferred agent are alpha and beta blockers agent such as labetolol or methyldopa. Pre-eclampsia chart to exclude pre-eclampsia. CTG and fetal kick chart monitoring. Gestational hypertension not resolve, induction of labour is recommended. If induction of labour fails or spontaneous delivery is not possible, prepare for lower segment caesarean section (LSCS). Final Conclusion/ Plan for Further Management/ Patient Progress On admission on 29 November 2010, her blood pressure (BP) was high which was 142/92mmHg lying and 152/104mmHg standing. She was then given 200mg labetolol TDS. Pre-eclampsia chart done to monitor albumin in the urine. She is also monitored on signs and symptoms of impending eclampsia. Her BP was monitored half hourly for 2hour and induction of labour (IOL) is done soon after BP is stabilize. On the next day , 7.15am, Bishops Score was done and result was 2/13. Therefore cervix was not favourable. First 3mg of Prostin tablet was inserted into the posterior fornix. CTG was then done after 1hour to monitor for uterine hyperstimulation of fetal distress. The abdomen and cervix will be reassess in 6hours time. Tablet labetolol was continued and signs and symptoms of impending eclampsia (IE) was monitored. Six hour later, patient had contraction (irregular) but no leaking liquor noted. There was no signs and symptoms of IE, per vaginal discharge and fetal movement was good. Her BP was 129/92mmHg which had decreased slightly. On palpation, her abdomen was soft and non tender. Uterus was 38weeks, presenting part was 3/5 palpable. Bishops Score was done again and cervix is still unfavourable at 3/13. Second prostin was inserted at the posterior fornix. CTG was done 1hour post prostin for monitoring. Six hour later, she had 2 contraction in 10 minutes and it was moderate. There was no leaking, no per vaginal bleeding and the fetal movement was good. Her BP on lying was 112/86mmHg and 122/90mmHg on standing, well controlled BP. Vaginal examination revealed normal vulvovaginal, cervix dilated to 1cm, os was 3cm membrane intact and station was -2. 2hour later, the contraction was 3 in 10minutes and no leaking liquor. Vaginal examination showed 1cm cervix, 4cm os. Artificial Rupture of Membrane (ARM) was done. Clear liquor was noted. Patient was in active phase of labour and was sent to the labour room for delivery. Entonox was given for pain management in the labour room. Contraction was 3 in 10 minutes with moderate intensity and os was 4cm. one and a half hour later, patient complained of having strong contraction and felt the urge to bear down. Vaginal examination done and os was fully dilated at 10cm. She delivered a baby boy weighing 2.53kg with apgar score of 8 in 1minute and 9 in 5minutes. The patient developed first degree tear, placenta was complete weighing 590gm. Estimated blood loss is 250cc. Cord pH was 7.312. In the ward, day 1 post SVD she was alert, conscious, comfortable and was not pale. Her BP was 118/83mmHg which was normal and her pulse rate was 96beats per minute. She was afebrile. Abdominal examination showed that her abdomen soft and non tender. The uterus was well contracted at 18weeks in size. The lochia was normal. Breastfeeding was established and she was ambulating well. The patient can tolerate orally and had pass urine and bowel movement. She had completed her family size and plans to use intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) for contraception. Prescription of labetolol was stopped as her BP has been stable and she had delivered her baby. She was then allowed for discharge and to come again 2weeks later to review her BP. She was given hematinics to increase haemoglobin level. Discharge Summary Name : Siti Arifah Age : 31 MRN : N285492 Race : Indonesian Gender : Female Discharge Date: 01/12/2010 Case Summary Date of admission : 29/11/2010 Date of delivery : 30/11.2010 at 22:35 Date of Discharge ; 01/12/2010 31year old, para 3 @38weeks and 4days of POA, post spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) with first degree tear diagnosed with gestational hypertension @ 38weeks. Antenatally, Dated at 15weeks. Antenatal clinic uneventful. Booking blood pressure (BP) 100/70mmHg. Has been normotensive throughout pregnancy (BP range 110-120/70-80mmHg) until on 38weeks, noted that BP at clinic 160/100mmHg. Tablet labetolol 200mg given stat at the clinic. Admitted to ward for BP stabilization and started on tablet labetolol 200mg TDS. Medical/surgical History Nil. VDRL/HIV/Hep B Non reactive. Admitted in for BP stabilization. Before admit and in the ward, patient complaint of headache. On day 2 of admission, cardiotocograph (CTG) showed sleeping pattern. Opted for induction of labour (IOL). Prostin inserted 2 times. After 7hours of second prostin insertion, patient went into active phase of labour, os 4cm. Artificial Rupture of Membrane (ARM) was done with clear liquor. Os fully after 1 hour 30minutes without augmentation. Second stage 10 minutes. Third stage 13minutes. She successfully delivered a baby boy of: Weight : 2.73kg pH : 7.312 TSH : pending G6PD : normal Estimated Blood Loss (EBL) : 250cc Currently she is normotensive. There is no acute complaints. No signs and symptoms to suggest of anaemia. She is tolerating orally and ambulating well. Passing urine/bowel open without problems and there is no excessive bleeding. Her baby is well and active, suckling well. BCG/Hepatitis 1st dose has been given. On examination, Her vital signs are stable. She is pink and alert. Abdomen soft and non tender. Uterus well contracted and 18weeks in size. There is no excessive bleeding. Lochia is normal. Mother Haemoglobin: 12.3g/dL Contraception: Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) Plan; Off labetolol EOD BP at local clinic To come again (TCA) in 2weeks to review BP. Continue Haematinics. Medications Tablet Hematinics OD Tablet Gelusil Ponstan TDS Syrup lactulose 15mls TDS Diagnosis: Post- SVD with first degree tear. Prepared by, Connie (CONNIE KABINCONG) House Officer Obstetric and Gynaecology ward UKMMC Referral to Doctor For Continued Management To: Medical officer of Obstetric and Gynaecology Department Date: 01 December 2010 Dear Doctor, Regarding: Siti Arifah, N285492 Thank you for seeing this patient, Siti Arifah, a 31year old Indonesian maid, para 3 post spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) with first degree tear at 38weeks and 2days of period of amenorrhoea (POA). She was admitted for blood pressure stabilization and induction of labour. She was referred from antenatal clinic when it was noted that her blood pressure was high which was 160/100mmHg. She never had history of hypertension before until on 38weeks and 1day of POA. However, she had a family history of hypertension. She was given labetolol for blood pressure stabilization and was given tablet Prostin 2times to induce the labour. She was then delivered a baby boy by SVD and her baby was alive and well. Her blood pressure was 118/83mmHg after the delivery. She was then stopped on taking Labetolol. Kindly see this patient for blood pressure monitoring and to exclude pre-existing hypertension in this patient. Thank you. Regards, Connie (CONNIE KABINCONG) House Officer Obstetric and Gynaecology Ward UKMMC Mock Prescription: For Patient on Discharge Name : Siti Arifah Age : 31 MRN : N285492 Race : Indonesian Gender : Female Discharge Date: 01/12/2010 Tablet Haematinics OD Tablet Gelusil/Ponstan TDS Syrup Lactulose 15mls TDS By, Connie (CONNIE KABINCONG) House Officer Obstetric and Gynaecology Ward UKMMC Professionalism Component Communication Issues As communication will be crucial in our future career as a doctor, a good basic has to be established now. As a good communicator we must be able to convey our message and information to our patient either in the form of words or from plain body language. Fortunately, my patient Madam Siti was very cooperative. I was able to establish rapport with her rather rapidly. She became more comfortable while answering my questions. Management wise, I found that she was well assured and well informed about what was being done for her. The doctor in charged informed her about her condition and told her about the possible complication that may arise and enough reassurance was given. Psychosocially, she did admits that she was a little scared of the possible complication that might affect she and the baby. Furthermore, her husband was not able to be by her side for moral support. I spent some times consoling her and she felt better afterward. Financially speaking, she and her husband total household income is currently not sufficient as she only earn approximately RM1000 per month and her husband is currently unemployed and waiting for his permit to return to work to Malaysia. However she claimed that her employer are offering to help her out during her confinement period. Spiritual Issues She is a very religious woman and has a strong spiritual side. She believe that God will helped her through this challenge and it had made her become quite cheerful and optimist despite of her current state. Ethical Issues As medical student, we have been reminded from time to time that medical ethics are crucial in order to be good doctors in the future. A good doctor should always put the patients life at the highest priority and respect the patients right to autonomy, information and privacy. Madam Siti should be counseled on options, pros and cons of the choices and the choice that made by her with guidance and advice by the doctor. No information should be withheld from her. Ethically as patient they also entitled to their privacy and confidentiality. Unfortunately, in a teaching hospital such as HUKM, patients privacy is sometimes compromised. Madam Siti was continuously approached by the students who wished to clerk her although it is very tiring to repeat all the words again and again, she still can tolerate it. Unfortunately there isnt much things I can do to help her but I can learn from this by learning not to disturb patient during the visiting hours or when they are tired while still grabbing every opportunity to learn in the ward. Professional Judgement In managing obstetric patient, we must take into account that we are not only dealing with one life but two. Thus extra caution must be taken. Especially with Madam Siti condition, as hypertension in pregnancy if it is not well controlled and monitored it could easily turns into something terrible very quickly. I felt that the management of Madam Siti was fair, she was properly counseled on maternal and fetal complication that could arise from hypertension in pregnancy. She was also well informed on the results of all the investigation done on her and her current management. Critical Appraisal Hypertension in pregnancy is defined as Blood Pressure more than or equal to 140/90mmHg in previously normotensive women that occur in 20th week of gestation without proteinuria until 6weeks postpartum. Or alternatively, a rise in systolic BP of more than 25mmHg or diastolic BP of more than 15mmHg compared with booking BP. Hypertension in pregnancy caused an increase in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Normal BP usually never went beyond 120/80mmHg. However in pregnancy plasma volume increases on an average 1200ml. So vasodilatation is needed to maintain the peripheral pressure. If the vasodilatation action is counteract by arterial spasm, hypertension occurs and lead to reduction in perfusion to all organ. This includes the uterus and placental site. Hypertension in pregnancy can be divided to pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, chronic hypertention, pre-eclampsia superimposed of chronic hypertension. Pre-eclampsia is defined as hypertension of at least 140/90mmHg recorded on 2 separate occasions with the significant proteinuria of more than 300mg in 24hours urine collection after 20weeks of gestation in a previously normotensive women and resolve completely by 6weeks postpartum. Eclampsia is a serious complication and life threathening complication of pre-eclampsia. It is defined as convulsions occurs in a woman with pre-established pre-eclampsia in the absence of any neurological or metabolic cause. Chronic hypertension is caused either due to essential hypertension or secondary hypertension. Secondary causes include renal artery Stenosis, glomerulonephritis, cushing syndrome and pheochromocytoma. Chronic hypertension is a hypertension diagnosed prior to 20weeks of gestation or history of hypertension preconception and de novo hypertension in late gestation that fails to resolve postpartumly. Pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension is diagnosed when there is: De novo proteinuria after 20week gestation Sudden increase in magnitude of hypertension Appearance of features of pre-eclampsia-eclampsia Sudden increase in proteinuria in women with preexisting proteinuria in early gestation in women with chronic hypertension. Risk factors for women to develop hypertension in pregnancy can be divided into obstetric, medicaland social aetiology. In obstetric aetiology, the risk factor can be further divided into maternal and fetal risk factor where: Maternal risk factors are: Nulliparity or primigravida Advanced maternal age or extreme age (35year old) Family history of hypertension, pregnancy induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Previous history of gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia. Maternal obesity (>80kg) Fetal risk factors are: Multiple pregnancy Molar pregnancy Hydrops fetalis From medical aetiology the risk factors are: Diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes mellitus Established hypertension Connective tissue disease Renal disease: glomerulonephritis, renal artery Stenosis Endocrine disease: cushings syndrome, pheochromocytoma. From social aetiology the risk factors are: Smoking Alcohol consumption Complication that can arise from hypertension in pregnancy are eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, abruption placenta, subcapsular haemrrhage and liver dysfunction. Treatment wise, patient need to be admitted to hospital first fo r BP monitoring and stabilization. Used of antihypertensive agents that may be used in hypertension in pregnancy is Labetolol, which is a combined alpha and beta blocker. By blocking alpha adrenoreceptor in the peripheral arteries, it reduced the peripheral resistance. At the same time beta blocking effect protects the heart from reflex sympathetic drive normally induced by peripheral vasodilatation. Nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker can be use as an alternative. Delivery is the ultimate treatment of hypertensive in pregnancy and its timing is dependent on the observation of fetal and maternal well being. Prolongation of pregnancy by drug therapy may reduce the risk of prematurity and improves the chances of delivery. Reference Lists Obstetrics By Ten Teachers, 18th edition; Philip N. Baker. Obstetrics Illustrated, 7th edition; Kevin P. Hanetty, Ian Ramsden, Robin Callander. Handbook of Labour Practice, 2nd edition; Dr. Yun-Hsuen Lim, Professor Dr Muhammad Abdul Jamil, and Professor Dr. Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy. A Practical Approach to Obstatric Problems for the Undergraduate, 4th edition; Professor Kulenthran Arumugam.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Racism in William Shakespeare’s Othello Essay -- GCSE Coursework Shake

Racism in William Shakespeare’s Othello    In William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello racism is featured throughout, not only by Iago in his despicable animalistic remarks about Othello’s marriage, but also by other characters. Let us in this essay analyze the racial references and their degrees of implicit racism. Racism persists from the opening scene till the closing scene in this play. In â€Å"Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello† Valerie Wayne comments on the racism inherent in the final act of the drama: When Othello finally kills himself and says he is killing the ‘turbaned Turk’ who ‘beat a Venetian and traduced the state’ (V, ii, 349-50), he is killing the monster he became through Iago’s mental poison, but he is also killing the only ethnic and racial other of the play. To be more precise, he is killing that self who is the other, the Turk or the Moor, as an act of Venetian patriotism. Just as one woman was praised by Iago for becoming a ‘wight’ through restricting her behavior to the requirements of men, so Othello becomes white – both virtuous and Venetian – through annihilating his alien self. (168) Could any lesser playwright have presented a black man as the hero of a tragedy? Mary Ann Frese Witt in â€Å"Black and White Symbols in Othello† would answer this question negatively: It was then something of a feat for Shakespeare, and a testimony to his genius, to present a black man as the hero of a tragedy. Playing upon his audience’s preconceptions, Shakespeare makes an original, rich use of black and white symbolism throughout the play. It is the black man who is inwardly pure, and it is a seemingly honest white man (and a soldier, a type usually portrayed as genuinely honest) who is inwardly e... ...espeare. Princeton University. 1996. http://www.eiu.edu/~multilit/studyabroad/othello/othello_all.html No line nos. Wayne, Valerie. â€Å"Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello.† The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed Valerie Wayne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991. Witt, Mary Ann Frese, et al., eds. â€Å"Black and White Symbols in Othello.† The Humanities: Cultural Roots and Continuities. Vol.1. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1985. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. â€Å"The Engaging Qualities of Othello.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Introduction to The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare. N. p.: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1957.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Essay

A framework refers to a basic conceptional structure of something, a set of facts or ideas that provides the necessary support for something (Steinberg 2009). On the other hand, a learning framework is a programmed academic work that is needed for the Co-operation education completion (Fisher 2008). The framework helps in planning on how objectives and goals of a given individual or organization are achieved. This is done through the use of Co-operative Education Placement organization (CPO) and provides a person’s academic program with a solid foundation. This framework feeds the educators with an expertise foundation concerning learning. It serves as a richly effective system for organizing, addressing and describing learning strengths and weaknesses. Learning framework consists of 8 constructs namely: attention, complex thinking, language, memory, social cognition, neural motor functions, temporal-sequential ordering and spatial Roderick. Learning Goal 1: Being self directed and reflexive learners                Self-directed learning in CPO is not a new concept. Its contributions and related information has been written down. Unfortunately, its notion has a variety of applications and interpretations in the arena of corporate training. Its typical narrow interpretations involve providing learners with some sort of choice in their learning. For example learners are allowed to select one or more courses from structured job training. Reflective learning on the other hand helps in developing self awareness, analytical skills and critical thinking which is important to both students and staff. It helps in informing about what didn’t work or worked, what may be done differently, or how people may develop their practice or behavior. Learning goal 2: Being knowledgeable in the major field of study                Knowledge consists of many varying facets encompassing skills from learning to understand how to create or build how to manage finances, and resonating with nature. My role in acquiring knowledge through CPO is to ensure that education provided consists of all the required skills of running an organization. Key tasks involved                Keep an open mind. Learning always challenges our assumptions and the pre-wired reaction is to ignore the conflicting ideas. Don’t dismiss something automatically as it fails to neatly fit in your current world’s vision. Deciding the type of knowledge you want to acquire. This incorporates two types of knowledge that is specialized knowledge where you want to focus specifically on breadth rather than depth. The other one is specific knowledge where you have to focus on the depth of the skills or information you want to acquire. Get out of the comfort zone. Involves learning things that might based on your keenest interest through engaging in your community activities. Check on boards for local announcement or from your community website. This enhances the access of a number of learning opportunities: classes, dances, community theatre or economic aid. Don’t be afraid to fail. It is the most significant advice in learning on how to be knowledgeable. Owning and learning to your mistake will help in gaining knowledge in your major areas that will help in remembering the correct information better. My personal attributes and role will help my CPO in acquiring the required values and skills necessary in learning. Learning goal 3: Being problem solvers and enquirers (internal environment)                Internal environment involves the factors that influence/affect business operations from within (Coley 2010). The interrelationships within the organization involve how different departments interrelate with one another such as sales, production, marketing, billing and research. The structure of the organization defines how these departments interrelate and interacts with one another, and the chain of commands running through different levels. These interrelationships within the organization are managed by my CPO through provision of the required knowledge and skills. This knowledge is acquired through training that facilitates better relationships within the organization. The organizational chart                From the key tasks in LG2, they all interrelate with one another with a cohesive relationship. In order for the organizational tasks to be completed, a good relationship is needed from the organizational culture to resource management. For effective management of internal relationships, my CPO facilitates through providing managerial skills required in different departments of the organization, the employer should facilitate regular training, favorable working environment, effective means of communication and strong internal controls. LG 3.2- critical enquirers and problem solvers, impacts of external environment on the CPO and industry                External environment involves external factors such as customers and competitors who affect the operations of the business from outside (Xue 2008). My CPO involves a method of combining education based on classroom with practical work experience. Within this sector of the industry, a number of key factors are considered for effective management and better interrelationships. Some of these factors include; the size of the industry, consumer demand of its products and the rate of growth. The current business world has been facing a lot of challenges in its effort of meeting the needs of the customers. A major issue is on the lack of clarity in the scope of the functions of the business. This issue may have a positive impact to my CPO and its industry sector as many business people would be seeking for the relevant knowledge. External stakeholders such as customers, competitors, and the government may contribute to a better relationship if well catered for by the industry. LG 3.3 business management                The topic investigates on the role of management on staffing. This is a very essential area that needs to be carried out with all due knowledge as it determines the progress of the business. Learning goal 4: ethical and social responsibility facing society and business                Ethical means to do with what is wrong and right, based on morality (Cafoliete 2010). Social responsibility is refers to an ethical theory that an individual or organization has an obligation to act for societal benefits (Amaeshi 2013). An ethical decision facilitates better services and creates a good image of an organization. My CPO and industry may consider offering training on how to ethical business characteristics and ensures customer needs are fully met (Bates 2013). Lack of enough skills may lead to a challenge in my CPO on making business decision that is ethical. LG 5: work collaboratively                Communication is a key factor in every business organization. Communication enhances better relationships with others in the industry thus facilitating work collaborations. My strength in this aspect is that my CPO consists of the largest communication department which links with other external organizations. The major weakness is on the poor communication skills currently displayed by many of the departmental attendants. My goal is to ensure that communication has been enhanced and effective channels installed. The strategies to be put in place include; in-service training and workshops should be held regularly, installation of communication devices in all departments and skilled managers employed. In order to assess whether the goals have been achieved, it should be measured in terms of profit margin and the number of customers. Aspect 2: working effectively in teams                Team work is a key tool in enhancing effective operations and increased productivity. It brings unity thus enhancing collaboration with others. The strengths in this aspect are that majority of the group members are of the same age thus works well as a group. The weakness is on the team leadership as my CPO industry has a few experienced managers. My goal is to develop the strongest working team in the industry. The strategies set include ensuring that more skilled managers are employed, workshops held to regular basis to train members on how to have strong working teams. Though it is hard to assess the strength of a team, my industry will check on the interrelationship between the internal and external environments to assess whether the goal has been met. References Amaeshi, K., & Nnodim, P. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Augustine, C. H. (2009). Improving school leadership the promise of cohesive leadership systems. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Bates, C. G. (2013). Global social issues an encyclopedia. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Bender, T. (2012). Discussion-based online teaching to enhance student learning: theory, practice, and assessment (2nd ed.). Sterling, Va.: Stylys. Clayton, P. E. (2009). Essential law for your business: a practical guide to all legal and financial requirements (13th ed.). London: Kogan Page. Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching a framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. LaFollette, H. (2010). The Blackwell guide to ethical theory. Oxford, OX, UK: Blackell Publishers. Menon, R., & Kumar, R. (2010). The long view from Delhi: to define the Indian grand strategy for foreign policy. New Delhi: Academic Foundation in association with Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations. Schuh, C. (2012). The CPO transforming procurement in the real world. Berkeley, CA: Apress ;. Snoeyenbos, M., Almeder, R. F., & Humber, J. M. (2011). Business ethics (3rd ed.). Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Steinberg, D. (2009). EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley. Source document

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Four aspects in leadership Essay

Leadership: Leadership is defined as senior executives who support the creation of processes (Hammer, 2007). There are four aspects in leadership including awareness, alignment, behavior, and style. According to Hammer’s PEMM and the analysis of evidence in this case, four perspectives including awareness, alignment, behavior, and style are scored from E-1 to E-4. Awareness: Leadership awareness is defined as the recognition of business process and understanding the value of the process-oriented enterprise for senior management. Bharat Dave, who is vice president of industry sales in Siemens ROLM Communication Incorporation, recognizes that they need a restructuring program to improve profitability and market share in their four disparate companies (P1). Also, ROLM senior management understands that they need to reengineer new processes and guarantee the execution of those new processes based on appropriate information technology (P4). Moreover, ROLM senior management seeks for global strategies through integrating ROLM into Siemens Private Communication Systems (P4). Finally, ROLM senior management seeks to create one company spirit, identity, and culture by establishing and reengineering processes and a new attitude that accepts innovation and continuous improvement (P4). According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, leadership awareness at Siemens ROLM Communication incorporation is at the E-4 level where â€Å"the senior executive team sees its own work in process terms and perceives process management not as a project but as a way of managing the business†. In conclusion, this program involves in one company spirit, identity, culture, and management as a total company plan to establish and sustain world-class performance as recognized by customers, not only as a project. Alignment: The alignment of leadership concerns the coordination between management and  employees in the company. A â€Å"project office† was established to manage ROLM 1 in January 1992 and was made up three senior executives and led by Dave who was vice president of logistics form ROLM (P5). It means that the senior executives are responsible for this project. Also, 60% of the field offices have accepted the new process and tools (P2). Dave reflects that 80% of approximately 6,000 person work force has been impacted by ROLM 1 in the company (P1). However, senior management still has three concerns for this project. Firstly, whether the new processes and tools cannot be refrozen but continue to implement further changes (P2). Secondly, whether senior management continues to measure specified processes or emphasizes more traditional revenue and cost performance measures (P2). Thirdly, senior management should be how to motivate those field offices that is laggards to accept the new process (P2). According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, the alignment of leadership is at the E-3 level where â€Å"there is strong alignment in the senior executive team regarding the process program. There is also a network of people throughout the enterprise helping to promote process efforts†. In conclusion, there is a good alignment in this project between management and employees. Behavior: Leadership behavior is whether management performs their own work as processes and strategies in order to achieve their goals. Karl Geng, who was chief operating officer at ROLM, said that the project had enjoyed relentless support from president and the president fully trusted us (P12). It means that senior management endorses in operational improvement and insures removing roadblocks in order to achieve goals including 30%-50% improvement in cost, quality, and cycle time (P6). Moreover, ten managers from field offices across United States were comprised the ILCPR design team into headquarters (P6). These managers involved in various areas in the company, including sales, service, order administration, pricing, manufacturing and distribution, installation, MIS, and business administration (P6). These managers were brought to focus on three areas in  this project: order fulfillment, inventory, and IS systems (P6). These leadership behaviors from senior management primarily assure that the project can achieve a high performance to improve profitability and market share. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, leadership behavior is at the E-3 level where â€Å"senior executives operate as a team, manage the enterprise through its processes, and are actively engaged in the process program†. In conclusion, senior management attaches great importance on this reengineering project. Style: Leadership style is a style for leader or senior management. This case does not provide much evident of leadership style for the project at ROLM Communication incorporation. In fact, senior management makes an open and free environment for communication in company, such as making frequent presentations to various audiences including training classes and meetings (P11). In addition, small group interactions also impact employees’ efforts for enterprise innovation (P11). Geng said â€Å"middle management does a lot of filtering that can only be remedied via more communication† (P12). According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, leadership style is at the E-2 level where â€Å"the senior executive team leading the process program is passionate about the need to change and about process as the key tool for change†. In conclusion, the senior management provides a good communication to make more employees to accept the new process. In conclusion, as analyzed each of perspective evidence above, awareness is at E-4 level, alignment is at E-3 level, behavior is at E-3 level, and style is at E-2 level. Consequently, total score of leadership is E-3 level. Culture: According to Hammer (2007), enterprise’s organizational culture must  focus on the teamwork, customer, responsibility and attitude toward change. According to Hammer’s PEMM and the analysis of evidence in this case, four perspectives including teamwork, customer, responsibility, and attitude toward change are scored from E-1 to E-4. Teamwork: ROLM 1 is a project as functional, cross-functional, and field impact projects (P6). There are ten managers brought to establish a professional team to manage three areas for this project into headquarters, including order fulfillment, inventory, and IS systems (P6). This project emphasizes on the customer and install what customers want, when customers want, and no matter what the cost (P7). It shows that ROLM’s employees and customers have an optimal relationship as teamwork. Moreover, Dave and three senior executives established a â€Å"project office† to manage ROLM 1 in January 1992 (P5). As evident showed above, teamwork is commonplace among senior management, field manager, employee, and customer. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, teamwork is at E-3 level where â€Å"teamwork is the norm among process performers and is commonplace among managers†. In conclusion, the enterprise has a optimal teamwork to focus on the project. Customer Focus: Customer focus is a customer-oriented strategy for a company. Karl Geng said that â€Å" our strength has always been our customer focus† and â€Å" it is easy to implement the project because customer is focused from start to end† (P2). Also, Dataquest and Datapro ranked ROLM as the number one PBX vendor for customer satisfaction (P1). ROLM allows customer a great deal of flexibility for making the installation happen, no matter what the cost (P7). As the case said, the goal of ROLM is to install what the customer wants, when the customer wants, and no matter what the cost (P7). According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, customer focus is at E-3  level where â€Å"employees understand that customers demand uniform excellence and a seamless experience†. In conclusion, the employees of ROLM understand the importance of customer. Responsibility: Responsibility is a duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task. In this case, Dave and three senior executives establish a â€Å"project office† to be responsible for the process in three ways: to coordinate the various ROLM 1 activities, to help projects overcome barriers, and to identify cross-functional and cross project opportunities (P5). Senior management has three responsibilities to manage the project. Also, the project office organizes meeting every 4-6 weeks for deciding whether to start a project, to review project status, to redirect priorities and resources, or to create policy decisions by the design team (P5). Moreover, 60% of the field offices have accepted the new processes and tools and most offices and customers agree that this project creates a much better way of doing business (P2). According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, responsibility is at E-3 level where â€Å"employees feel accountable for enterprise results†. In conclusion, the responsibility of senior management makes accountability for employees and customers. Attitude Toward Change: Attitude toward change means that employees are willing to accept the development of project in a company. 60% of the field offices have accepted the new processes and tools (P2). Also, installation personnel feel that design-early is an outstanding innovation and makes easier for them to complete a quality â€Å"on time† installation, as like â€Å"a breath of fresh air† (P8). However, some employees are growing tired of change because they are required to accomplish their goals (P2). Moreover, one key difference for employees’ attitude toward change is whether they see the change to help them to attain a world-class status in the eyes of their customers (P2). According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, attitude toward change is at E-2 level where â€Å"employees are prepared for significant change in how work is performed†. In conclusion, attitude toward change has a huge impact on whether the project succeeds or not for the company. In conclusion, according to the analysis of teamwork, customer focus, responsibility, and attitude toward change from culture, teamwork is at E-3 level, customer focus is at E-3 level, responsibility is at E-3 level, and attitude toward change is at E-2 level. Consequently, the total score of culture is E-3 level. Expertise: Expertise consists of the skill and methodology to redesign the process. People and methodology are the subcategories of expertise (Hammer, 2007). According to Hammer’s PEMM and the analysis of evidence in this case, two aspects including people and methodology are scored from E-1 to E-4. People: Dave, who is vice president of industry sales in ROLM Communication Incorporation, understands that ROLM 1 can improve profitability and market share for company (P1). Ten managers with different skills are brought from field offices across the United States to establish the ILCPR design team (P6). These managers involve in diverse areas of the company, including sales, service, order administration, pricing, manufacturing and distribution, installation, MIS, and business administration (P6). They have their own skills to make a large-scale change and enterprise transformation for the company. Furthermore, Dave and three senior executives create a â€Å"project office† to manage the program (P5). They also have their own skills to make an impact on the process. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, people is at E-3 level where â€Å"a cadre of experts has skills in large-scale change management and  enterprise transformation†. In conclusion, people with skills are significant for the reengineering process. Methodology: Methodology is the use of one or more methodologies for company to solve problem and improve process. In this case, ROLM implements a new parts distribution methodology that allows the company to cut the field parts inventory by over 60% (P10). Moreover, the senior management of ROLM uses 80/20 rule, as showed in this case â€Å" if a package existed for 80% of the requirements, we would buy it and ROLM would change to make the remaining 20% work† (P10). These two methodologies provide assistance for the company to solve execution problems and improve the fluency of the process. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, methodology is at E-1 level where â€Å"the enterprise uses one or more methodologies for solving execution problems and making incremental process improvement†. In conclusion, the part of methodology is required to get better for the program. In conclusion, expertise includes two aspects: people and methodology. As analyzed two aspects evidence above, people is at E-3 level and methodology is E-1 level. Consequently, the total of expertise is E-2 level. Governance: According to Hammer (2007), governance is a mechanism that manages complex projects and changes plans. According to Hammer’s PEMM and the analysis of evidence in this case, three aspects including process model, accountability, and integration are scored from E-1 to E-4. Process Model: Process model is process of the same nature that is classified together into a model. Ten managers were brought from field offices across the United  State, then they implement three process models: order fulfillment, inventory, IS systems (P6). The order fulfillment includes two projects: design-early and standard design, both of them result in significant cost savings (P6). Inventory model can reduce inventory at manufacturing locations and in the field (P10). IS system can decrease costs and simplify business processes (P10). These process models have been accepted to implement in the reengineering program and have made business value for the company. However, these process models are not connected to enterprise-level technologies and data architecture and are not extended to customers and suppliers for the company. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, process model is at E-2 level where â€Å"the enterprise has developed a complete enterprise process model, and the senior executive team has accepted it†. In conclusion, although senior executives accept these process models, it is not linked to enterprise-level technologies or data architectures. E-2 is the best on the evaluation of process model. Accountability: Accountability is the responsibility of performers for enterprise performance. In this case, the reengineering team members as steering committee members set up many presentations for training classes and meeting at headquarters and field offices (P11). These presentations share accountability for the enterprise’s performance. Geng said middle management makes more communication with employees to share accountability during the reengineering time of the program (P12). Geng also said he spent 1/3 of each day on listening and talking (P12). The accountability of senior executives reflects the company emphasizes on this program. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, accountability is at E-2 level where â€Å"process owners have accountability for individual processes, and a steering committee is responsible for the enterprise’s overall progress with processes†. In conclusion, E-2 level is best at accountability because the company has not established steering committees with customers  and suppliers to drive enterprise process change. Integration: Dave, who is the vice president of logistics, established a â€Å"project office† with three senior executives to manage ROLM 1 (P5). This is a formal program management office to administer the reengineering process. Moreover, ten managers are brought into headquarters from different field offices and they are responsible for three areas: order fulfillment, inventory, and IS systems (P6). These managers allocate most processes improvement techniques and tools and coordinate and integrate all process projects. According to Hammer’s PEMM and case evidence above, integration is at E-3 level because the vice president of logistics establishes a formal program management office and the project office endorses and supports the operational improvement techniques for the enterprise. The company uses an integrated manner to improve all processes techniques. In conclusion, governance is involved in process model, accountability, and integration. As analyzed these three perspectives above, process model is at E-2, accountability is at E-2 level, and integration is at E-3 level. Consequently, the total score of governance is E-2 level.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quick Facts About Americas Mount Rushmore

Quick Facts About America's Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore is located in the Black Hills of Keystone,  South Dakota. The sculpture of four famous presidents - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln - was carved into the granite rock face over many decades. According to the National Park Service, approximately 2.5 million people visit the monument each year.   Fast Facts: Mount Rushmore Location: Near Rapid City, South DakotaArtist: Gutzon Borglum. Died seven months before it was finished; completed by son Lincoln.Size: The presidents faces are 60 feet high.Material: Granite rock faceYear Started: 1927Year Completed: 1941Cost: $989,992.32Notable: The artist was tagged for the project because of his work on the Confederate Memorial Carving at Stone Mountain, Georgia, which he began. His work was removed and another artist finished it, however. Also in the national park is the Avenue of Flags, representing the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.  In the summertime, the monument is also lit up at night. History of Mount Rushmore National Park   Gutzon Borglums model of Mt. Rushmore memorial, where you see the original plans. Library of Congresss Prints and Photographs Division/Public Domain/Wiki Commons   Mount Rushmore National Park was the brainchild of Doane Robinson, known as the â€Å"Father of Mount Rushmore.† His goal was to create an attraction that would draw people from all over the country to his state. Robinson contacted Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor who was working on the monument at Stone Mountain, Georgia. Borglum met with Robinson during 1924 and 1925. He was the one who identified Mount Rushmore as a perfect location for a grand monument. This was due to the cliffs height above the surrounding area; its composition of granite, which would be slow to erode; and the fact that it faced southeast, to take advantage of the rising sun each day. Robinson worked with John Boland, President Calvin Coolidge, Rep. William Williamson, and Sen. Peter Norbeck to gain support in Congress and the funding to proceed. Congress agreed to match up to $250,000 of funding for the project and created the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission. Work began, and by 1933 the Mount Rushmore project became part of the National Park Service. Borglum did not like having the NPS oversee the construction. However, he continued to work on the project until his death in 1941. The monument was deemed complete and ready for dedication on October 31, 1941. It eventually cost nearly $1 million. Why Each of the Four Presidents Was Chosen Tetra Images/Getty Images Borglum made the decision about which presidents to include on the mountain. According to the National Park Service, heres his reasoning: George Washington: He was the first president and represented the foundation of American democracy.Thomas Jefferson: With the Louisiana Purchase, he greatly expanded the nation. He was also the author of the hugely influential Declaration of Independence.  Theodore Roosevelt: He not only represented the industrial development of the nation but was also widely known for conservation efforts.  Abraham Lincoln: As the president during the U.S. Civil War, he represents the preservation of the nation above all costs.   Carving Done With Dynamite The powder monkey is holding dynamite and detonators.   Archive Photos/Getty Images With 450,000 tons of granite that needed to be removed, the sculptor found out early on that jackhammers were not going to take care of the job fast enough. He employed a munitions expert to insert charges of dynamite into drilled holes and blasted the rock off when the workers were off of the mountain. Eventually, 90 percent of the granite removed from the rock face was done with dynamite. Changes to the Design The unfinished hall of records behind Abraham Lincolns head, just as Gutzon Borglum left it. Rachel.Miller727/Creative Commons/Wiki Commons During production, the design went through nine changes. Entablature What appears isnt exactly how the sculpture was conceived by sculptor Borglum, who also had plans for wording to be etched into the rock face, called the Entablature. It was to contain a brief history of the United States, highlighting nine important events between 1776 and 1906, carved into an image of the Louisiana Purchase. Given issues over the wording and funding and the fact that people wouldnt be able to read it from a distance, that idea was scrapped. Hall of Records Another plan was to have a Hall of Records in a room behind Lincolns head that would be accessed by the public via a staircase from the base of the mountain. On display would be important documents in a room decorated with mosaics. It too was discontinued, in 1939, due to lack of funding. Congress told the artist to concentrate on the faces and just get it done. A tunnel is what remains. It does house some porcelain panels giving the background about the building of the monument, the artist, and the presidents, but its inaccessible to visitors due to the lack of a staircase. More Than Heads Mock-ups of the design include the four presidents from the waist up. Funding was ever an issue, and the directive was to just stick with the four faces. Jefferson Moved Over Thomas Jefferson was originally on the other side of George Washington. Carmen Martinez Torron/Getty Images Thomas Jefferson was originally started on George Washingtons right, and carving of Jeffersons face began in 1931. However, the granite there was full of quartz. Workers kept blasting off the quartz, but after 18 months they realized that the location was just not working. His face was dynamited off and carved on the other side. Carving Stone carvers on scaffolding and hoists carve the face of Thomas Jefferson into Mount Rushmore. George Rinhart/Getty Images Workers hung from a 3/8-inch steel cable in bosuns chairs as they worked with jackhammers, drills, and chisels and carried dynamite. To their credit, no one died during Mount Rushmores construction - or the mountains destruction, as the case may be. A crew of four hundred worked on the sculpture. Facts About Borglum American Sculptor Gutzon Borglum. George Rinhart/Getty Images Art Background Gutzon Borglum studied in Paris and became friends with Auguste Rodin, who heavily influenced the young artist.  Borglum was the first American sculptor to have his work purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.   Stone Mountain Although Borglum had begun the sculpture on Stone Mountain, Georgia, he never finished it. He left on bad terms, and his work was cleared away from the mountain face. Another sculptor, Augustus Lukeman, was called in to finish the work.   Tempestuous Boss Borglum  was often away during the sculpting of Mount Rushmore. While it was being completed, he also made a sculpture of Thomas Paine for Paris and Woodrow Wilson for Poland. His son supervised the work on the mountain during his absence.   When he was on site, he was known for his mood swings and was continuously firing and rehiring people. His energy for the project and persistence, through many years of trials and issues with funding, eventually led to the projects completion. Unfortunately, he died seven months before it was done. His son completed it. Origin of the Mountain Name The mountain took its name - incredibly - from a New York attorney there on business who asked the name of the location in 1884 or 1885. A local man with the group looking at the mountain informed him that it didnt have a name but said, We will name it now, and name it Rushmore Peak, according to a letter from Charles Rushmore, the lawyer who was in the area for a client researching a mine.

Monday, October 21, 2019

10 Expository Essay Topics on Evolution of Human Behavior

10 Expository Essay Topics on Evolution of Human Behavior If you are searching for facts on the evolution of human behavior for an expository essay, please consider the 10 below: Given the changes in technology, behavioral psychologists have studied the evolution of technology on previously held theories. Some studies have focused on the effects of watching television or listening to television while completing homework (Cool, et al., 1994). These researchers provided their participants with a specific amount of time during which they were instructed to complete and assignment. Some of the participants were exposed to television as they worked a day job and others were not. The research discovered that significantly fewer questions were filled within the given time frame when exposed to television as compared to those participants who were not One study by Pool, et al., (2003) focused specifically on the impact soap opera had on students trying to complete their homework. In this study the participants were placed in three different conditions. First was a visual soap opera, the second was the audio soundtrack of a soap opera and the third was image without sound. The results from this study indicated that participants who were in the visual soap opera category required significantly more time to complete the same assignment compared to the other two groups. In addition, this half of the participants had to increase the amount of time it took for them to complete the work. Reviewing the evolution of behavioural psychology changes has been viewed through marital theory. Marital theory is not the only communication theory that affects the marital relationship and leads to divorce and the effects of children. The social exchange theory affects marital power and marital solidarity which, combined with economic exchange, can delineate a marriage relationship. Research by Gottman (1993) provides insight into the prediction of marital dissolution. In essence, no matter the marriage type, marital dissolution begins with a cascade as the balance between the relationship type and communication begins to decline. This is described most plainly by examining the relationship between social exchange theory and social penetration theory. Marriage is cultivated, like any other relationship by interpersonal communication. This is any type of communication between two or more people. Communication can be conducted via letters, computer, phone or in person, so long as tw o people are communicating. Social exchange theory is a communication theory which states that people are motivated by rewards. Most commonly, people want to maximize their rewards and minimize their costs. Along the same lines, social penetration theory suggests that as people get to know someone else better, they will divulge more about themselves. This means that when a couple first meets, they might not reveal intimate details, but if they think they will benefit in some way, they will reveal more and more and as time passes, they might reveal more than the other party revealed. Combining social exchange theory and social penetration theory within the confines of marital theory, a person might be willing to risk a specific type of marriage because they view little loss and a lot of gain from it. This does not prove to be troublesome for many couples initially, but can quickly cascade into an unbalanced relationship, the future of which can potentially harm children. Eventually, as time passes and spouses continue to share with each other, they might encounter major differences or things which prompt more cost and less benefit. As the benefits continue to deplete and the cost increase, the relationship will falter and divorce will become eminent. This is especially dangerous if the involved couple has children. Ellis and colleagues (1987) investigated priming using pictures. They conducted three similar experiments to support how priming affected the recognition of familiar faces. Their first experiment copied aspects of a study by Bruce and Valentine by initially exposing participants to a picture of a celebrity, with no name. Once time had passed, the participants were asked if the face was familiar. Their findings supported that the faces in the first experiment were in fact, noted as being someone the participant recognized by face and by the name. The second experiment used pictures of personal acquaintances of the participants, editing the photo so that the body, clothes, hair, and other features (not the face) were altered to inhibit immediate recognition. Participants recognized their acquaintances by their faces. The final experiment demonstrated that priming can be obtained through exposure to a photograph identical to a famous face. A smaller, but still significant recognition co uld be obtained through exposure to a dissimilar photograph. Ellis and colleagues concluded that the â€Å"instance-based† model proposed by McClelland and Rumelhart (1985) could explain the results. Thus, despite repetitive priming, the overall lack of physical similarity between the subject and the test stimuli was the result of a lack of priming between bodies and faces. Hence, the link between priming with pictures was attributed to photographic memory (implicit memory) as it is tied to recognition based on personal exposure to the subject matter. Their research led to the new opportunity to research how exposure to the media and famous faces influences a person’s recognition, as well as how exposure to friends images would influence their recognition even if they were distorted. The Affective Primacy Hypothesis developed by Murphy (1993), declares that positive and negative affective responses can be evoked with minimal stimulus input and practically no priming. This research supported that priming does not need to be large and direct, but rather, with little effort alterations can be made to subjects regarding their decision making processes. Participants were repeatedly exposed to ideographs which were degraded and then administered directly through recognition memory tests. The participants were unable to acknowledge they had been exposed to the material previously. However all of those participants picked the previously exposed material as their favorite in comparison to latter. Incorporating brief suboptimal and optimal exposures, the authors presented empirical information analyzing the effects of affect and cognition, both of which are areas never clearly defined but they claimed to be interdependent. Oyserman (2008) took social priming to yet another level by incorporating a study of cultural priming. By conducting a meta-analysis of individualism and collectivism, she was first able to determine how each of the aforementioned categories influences cognitive style and relationship assumptions within that spectrum. While torn between experimenting with individuals or groups to determine the level at which cultures affect decisions, Oyserman and Lee made it clear that cultural factors will empirically influence psychological processes. Reviewing multi-national studies and cross-cultural comparisons, they sought to determine if it was possible to manipulate independent variables. Their hypothesis was supported in that once primed, participants’ values increases as directed, their sense of self was redefined, and their relations with others were imagined to be. These facts should give your paper enough support to get the best grade. We also offer you to check our 20 topics on evolution of human behavior as well as a guide to writing an expository essay on it. References: Cool, V., Yarbrough, D. B., Patton, J. E., Runde, R. Experimental Effects of Radio and Television Distractors on Children’s Performance on Mathematics and Reading Assignments. Journal of Experimental Education, (1994) 62, 181-194. Goldstein, E. B., Cognitive Psychology, Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience. (2005) Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Gottman, John M. A Theory of Marital Dissolution and Stability.  Journal of Family Psychology  7.1 (1993): 57-75. Print. Gottman, John, Notarius Cliff, Markman Howard, Bank Steve, Yoppi Bruce, and Rubin Mary Ellen. Behavior Exchange Theory and Marital Decision Making.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology  34.1 (1976): 14-23. Print. Laland, Kevin N., and Gillian R. Brown.  Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary perspectives on Human Behaviour. Oxford University Press, 2011. Lewens, Tim.  Cultural Evolution: Conceptual Challenges. OUP Oxford, 2015. Nakonezny, Paul, and Wayne Denton. Marital Relationships: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective.  The American Journal of Family Therapy  36.5 (2008): 402-12. Print

Sunday, October 20, 2019

4 Tips for Writing a Stellar Boston College Essay

4 Tips for Writing a Stellar Boston College Essay SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Ranked among the top 50 colleges nationwide, Boston College is an excellent choice for college, especially if you're hoping to attend a Jesuit institution.As part of the application process, you'll need to submit a Boston College essay. So what should you write about in your essay to raise your chances of getting admitted here? In this guide, we closely analyze all Boston College essay prompts, providing you with our best tips and advice.We then take a look at real Boston College essay examples to give you an idea of what a successful Boston College essay can look like. What Is the Boston College Essay? In addition to the statement you must write for the Common Application, Boston College requires all first-yearapplicants to submit a separate essay as part of the Boston College Supplement (on the Common App under the heading "Writing Supplement"). With this writing supplement, you have four possible essay prompts to choose from: 1. Great art evokes a sense of wonder. It nourishes the mind and spirit. Is there a particular song, poem, speech, or novel from which you have drawn insight or inspiration? 2. When you choose a college, you will join a new community of people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and stories. What is it about your background, your experiences, or your story, that will enrich Boston College’s community? 3. Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts, quality teaching, personal formation, and engagement of critical issues. If you had the opportunity to create your own college course, what enduring question or contemporary problem would you address and why? 4. Jesuit education considers the liberal arts a pathway to intellectual growth and character formation. What beliefs and values inform your decisions and actions today, and how will Boston College assist you in becoming a person who thinks and acts for the common good? Each essay prompt expects you to give specific details and a unique, compelling story of who you are, how you came to be this way, and what you hope to do with your education at BC. Regardless of the essay prompt you choose, your Boston College essay must be no longer than 400 words, making it a little shorter than a typical college essay, which is 500-600 words long. But how can you choose the best essay prompt for you? Read on as we examine all the Boston College essay prompts, one by one. All Boston College Essay Prompts, Analyzed In order to submit a great Boston College essay, you’ll need to know what each prompt is asking you to do and which one will work best based on your personality, experiences, and/or interests. Below, we offer a close analysis of all four Boston College essay prompts. Boston College Essay Prompt 1 Great art evokes a sense of wonder. It nourishes the mind and spirit. Is there a particular song, poem, speech, or novel from which you have drawn insight or inspiration? This first Boston College essay prompt is all about art, specifically a piece of art that's had a major impact on you. Although this essay prompt lists just four types of art- songs, poems, speeches, and novels- you may write about, if you were inspired by a different form of art, such as a painting, sculpture, dance, or piece of architecture, you will most likely be fine writing about that instead. If possible, though, it's best to try to stick with the four options in the prompt; this way you can rest assured you’re correctly answering it. You also want to avoid rattling on and on about the art piece and why it’s so great. Instead,focus on why this piece of art has affected you to such a degree and how this impact has manifested in your life. Should You Choose This Prompt? This essay prompt is ideal for applicants who intend to major in a creative field, such as music or creative writing, due to its emphasis on inspiration and what kind of art has impacted your own approach to creativity. Even if you don’t plan to major in a creative field or have no idea what you want to major in, this is a good prompt to respond to if you can easily think of a piece of art that has changed you in some critical way.If you can’t, another prompt would probably be better suited for you. Tips for Answering This Prompt Avoid writing about a super famous piece of art. While it's OK to focus on something you read for school, don't go with extremely famous and cliched works, such as The Great Gatsby or Harry Potter. Focus on you more than the piece of art. The point of this essay is to explain what creative work has greatly inspired or impacted you, not why this work is so great, famous, or valuable in general. Think about the qualities or goals you now have because of your exposure to this piece, and concentrate on those and how you developed them in your essay. Be clear about how this artwork has affected you. For example, perhaps the first time you listened to the English medieval song "Bryd One Brere," which is thought to be the oldest love song on record, you felt so moved by its lyrics that you decided to learn more about medieval England; now, you’re thinking of majoring in history. Boston College Essay Prompt 2 When you choose a college, you will join a new community of people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and stories. What is it about your background, your experiences, or your story, that will enrich Boston College’s community? This second Boston College essay prompt is a diversity essay prompt: it wants to know what kinds of qualities, experiences, and/or perspectives you personally will bring to the Boston College community.In short, what makes you special? For this essay, you’ll want to focus on one specific trait, experience, or quality you have, ideally one that's an integral part of your identity. For example, if you come from an ethnic group that historically was forced to conceal its traditions and customs, you could discuss in your Boston College essay how being able to freely express and embrace your cultural roots has made you want to encourage others to do the same. Should You Choose This Prompt? There are many categories of diversity that, if you fall under, you may choose to write about for this prompt. Here are just some examples: Your cultural group, race, or ethnicity Your religion Your socioeconomic background Your sex or gender/gender identity Your sexual orientation Your values or opinions A club, group, or organization you're part of Your local community Your hometown or home country A unique experience, struggle, or moment from your life You don’t need to fall under a strictly defined category of people. For example, you could write about a unique circumstance in your life or a specific event that was particularly meaningful to you and significantly affected your perspective on something. Tips for Answering This Prompt Try to avoid trite topics that can apply to many applicants. If you come from a family of immigrants, for instance, you could certainly write about this; however, this topic isn’t super unique, so be sure you’re focusing on something specific and impactful from your life, such as the time someone accused you of being an illegal immigrant. Focus on one defining quality. Even if you fit into multiple categories above, it’s best to stick with just one unique quality, as this will help keep your essay tight and focused. Be clear about how your experience will enrich Boston College’s community. It should be obvious how your perspective will positively affect those around you. Maybe you plan to start a club or promote a volunteering effort, for example. Don’t write about something that isn’t meaningful to you. If your experience didn’t have much of an effect on you when it happened and doesn’t matter much to you now, definitely choose something else to write about. Don’t exaggerate the significance of anything, or else you’ll risk coming across insincere and inauthentic. Boston College Essay Prompt 3 Boston College strives to provide an undergraduate learning experience emphasizing the liberal arts, quality teaching, personal formation, and engagement of critical issues. If you had the opportunity to create your own college course, what enduring question or contemporary problem would you address and why? With this prompt, you’re essentially being asked what kinds of academic fields or social issues you’re interested in and why you’d like to study them. This essay is a great opportunity for you to delve into a specific idea or problem you want to learn more about in college.The topic you choose for your essay can be pretty much anything, from an ancient philosophical theory to the modern-day phenomenon of cell phones. In short, what excites, interests, or captivates you intellectually? And why? Take time to considerwhat you’re passionate about, whether this is a question in an academic field you want to study or a contemporary social issue. Should You Choose This Prompt? Most applicants have an idea of what they want to study in college.Therefore, if there’s a particular field you’re interested in, you can use this as a jumping-off point to narrow your topic so you’ll be discussing a specific interest, question, or idea. For example, ifyou plan to major in psychology, you could think of questions you have regarding a specific idea or theory in the field. You can also approach this prompt from a more social perspective.Are there any problems in contemporary society that you believe need to be addressed more or in a new way? For example, perhaps you’re not a fan of the way women of color are represented in schools' history textbooks and you'd like to look for fair and effective ways to remedy this problem. Other possible issues you could talk about include the following: Environmental issues or climate change Political/economic instability or other problems in a country/area Discrimination, stigmas, or other issues relating to inequality Potential challenges facing technology, science, the arts, specific industries, etc. Tips for Answering This Prompt Explain why you are so invested in this problem. Have you had any direct experience with the issue you’re focusing on? How did (or does) it make you feel? Maybe you’re curious about how we could improve public access for people with physical disabilities, and the reason you developed an interest in solving this problem is that, as a kid, you often watched your friend struggle to find alternative entryways besides stairs. Include a (creative) title for your course. While there’s no need to get overly creative, make sure your class's name is concise and accurately reflects the proposed content. If you were writing about the topic described above, you could title your course something like "Public Access for People with Disabilities: Barriers and Solutions." Boston College Essay Prompt 4 Jesuit education considers the liberal arts a pathway to intellectual growth and character formation. What beliefs and values inform your decisions and actions today, and how will Boston College assist you in becoming a person who thinks and acts for the common good? Boston College is a highly ranked Jesuit institution, so it’s not surprising that the school is curious about applicants' values.The purpose of this prompt is for Boston College to see how your own values will fit with and further promote the key Jesuit principles of ethics and community service. This essay prompt can be broken down into two basic questions: What are your beliefs and values regarding your role in your community? How will Boston College fit with these values and allow you to grow as a person? Should You Choose This Prompt? If you’re applying to Boston College, you likely already know that it’s a Jesuit institution, meaning it strongly values qualities such as morality, service, and interdisciplinary learning. If you have strong values that align with these Jesuit principles, have a clear reason for wanting to attend a Jesuit institution, and can readily envision how you plan to use your BC education for the "common good," this would be a great prompt for you to choose. Some values you could write about in your essay include the following: Honesty Morality/ethics Empathy/compassion for others Selflessness Tips for Answering This Prompt Focus on one specific value/quality you have. For instance, if honesty is important to you, you could discuss a time you had to decide between telling the truth or telling a lie, and how this choice impacted how you perceive honesty and its significance in everyday life. Explain how Boston College will help you develop this value you have. You could talk about specific classes, extracurricular activities, clubs, volunteering opportunities, etc. For example, maybe you’re thinking of making a club to help local disadvantaged families. Boston College Essay Examples Now, let's take a look at two real Boston College essay examples, written by admitted applicants. Note that since the Boston College essay prompts change every year or so, these essays might not correspond directly to one of the four prompts listed above. Boston College Essay Example 1 This first Boston College essay we’ll look at could have easily been written for the second prompt described above (the diversity essay prompt) as it focuses on the applicant’s unique multicultural background. Note that this sample essay is more than 550 words, whereas the current Boston College essay requirements state that essays may not exceed 400 words. Here is the essay: "Happy birthday!" "Feliz cumpleanos!" "Kol sana wa enta tayyab!" After my family sings me happy birthday in English, Spanish, and Arabic, I blow out the candles on my cake amidst thunderous cheers that reverberate throughout the five boroughs of New York City. My birthday celebrations, likened by my friends to United Nations assemblies, feature my one, cohesive, yet ever so dissimilar, family, stepping out of their respective Ecuadorian and Egyptian roles to further thrust upon me their expectations. Some would fold under this pressure, but I embrace this trust. While they have not always been able to put me in optimal positions, it has all congregated to a driving force in my cultured and diverse mind. My never ending quest to achieve success for my family began at a young age, through my trips to Ecuador and Egypt. I not only grew fond of their eloquent languages, but of their modest values. On my first trip to Ecuador as a toddler, my Uncle Guillermo was found dead in an alley one morning, no cause, no explanation. Instead of shielding me from the forlorn passing of one of my heroes, my relatives used this as an opportunity to develop my value for awareness. They told me that Guillermo's death was linked to his severe alcoholism. He had been afflicted for decades, all while selling away the family's possessions to fuel his addiction. He, like many from the impoverished, drug ridden country, knew no better. Some would view a traumatizing event like this as an excuse to end up along a similar path, but it immediately ingrained in me the farsighted principles that I maintain to this day. There are no excuses for me to approach education halfheartedly, for I have witnessed the malevo lent effects of ignorance. When my grandma, Anisa Saad, told me that she views my future with the same reverence that she views the Egyptian Revolution of 20, I finally realized how delicate my actions are. I knew that making something out of myself meant just as much to my family as it did to me. The Egyptian Revolution was the first time since 1981 that Egyptians had a voice. As they overthrew President Hosni Mubarak, they created an irrevocable identity. They proved that regardless what comprises your past or your background, your impact on the world is only what you make of it. My grandma told me that all she could think about as she cast her vote in the first ever democratic election was that she was changing the world. She said that if a 78-year-old widow living with three of her children and a bad back could change the world, a prioritized pupil with a keen understanding of different societies has boundless potential. In New York City, the quintessential hub of culture, I found it easier to expand on my expectations and values. I am most people's culturally passionate friend rather than the kid whose ethnicity is indeterminable. I am a New Yorker's idea of a New Yorker; an assiduous product of the "melting pot." No idea is too farfetched to believe, no goal too unattainable. With my grandma's words in mind, I face any problem that the Concrete Jungle throws at me. I seek to make sure the Salazar's of Ecuador and the Badran's of Egypt finally have significant names in the world. I want to blow out my birthday candles with a family proud that I made it, not hoping that I do. Source Here's what makes this Boston College essay work: It has a compelling hook. The first few sentences about the applicant's multicultural and multilingual family immediately draw us in. It makes you want to learn more about why this applicant gets told happy birthday in three languages, and what this means for their values. It’s highly specific and detailed.We're given people's actual names, from Uncle Guillermo to Anisa Saad. These concrete details ground us readers in the story while highlighting clear connections between the applicant's life experiences and values. Zoom in on the details for your Boston College essay. Boston College Essay Example 2 This next real Boston College essay example is less focused on diversity and more on community service, a major Jesuit value that Boston College would be more than happy to read about in your essay! Atjust under 400 words,this essay should help give you an idea of about how long your Boston College essay can be. "Can you teach me how to tie my shoes?" I looked down. There was Miguel. He pointed at his untied shoelaces. "Come sit down over here," I said as I pulled over a chair. "Just remember this: Loop, Swoop, and Pull." I tied his shoelace. "Now you try on the other." He bent down. "Loop ... Swoop, and ... Pull." He completed a perfect bow. Later on in that day, Thomas came over to me. "Can you help me tie my sneaker?" Miguel was next to me. I was helping him learn the letters of the alphabet. "I think Miguel can help you." I looked down at him and he nodded. He brought Thomas to the side. "Just remember, Loop, Swoop, and Pull." In-between studying for the SATs and preparing for my varsity basketball season, I volunteered in a local preschool for Head Start and Special Needs Children in the summer before my junior year. I worked with students who were attending their first year of the school during that year. I was invited back to volunteer again the next summer. I was with the second-year students and Miguel and Thomas were again in my class. "Do you want to see me write my name?" Miguel asked the first day of my second summer at the school. He used a purple marker and a blank piece of white paper and clearly wrote "Miguel." Thomas approached me. "Look, I can tie my shoes now." He bent down. "Loop, Swoop, and Pull," he whispered as he completed a perfect bow. "It’s great to see you guys again. I’ll be here the whole summer." The goal of the program is to prepare the students for success in kindergarten. The best thing about going to the school for two years was to see the progress Miguel, Thomas, and the other kids made. I saw the children walk on the stage at the graduation ceremony at the end of the summer term. I know they will be able to excel in kindergarten. I began to visualize Thomas and Miguel being at the top of their class in kindergarten next year. I am proud of the work the school does for the children and the progress the children make in the school. I look forward to returning to volunteer next summer. Source Here’s what makes this Boston College essay work: It tells a detailed, interesting story. Many students have volunteered at schools or helped out younger children, but this Boston College essay lets readers really see the uniqueness of the applicant's experience. We learn about two children, Thomas and Miguel, and how the experience of helping them positively impacted the applicant. It’s highly focused. No part of this essay feels extraneous or as if it doesn't belong. It uses a well-organized structure that’s easy to follow. We also learn through small details that the applicant successfully maintains other commitments, too, such as varsity basketball. It focuses on a key Jesuit value: giving back to others. If you plan to respond to Prompt 4, this is a great essay to look to for tips. It’s all about helping the common good and highlights, especially with its last line, the applicant’s desire to continue helping the community. How to Write a Great Boston College Essay: 4 Tips Before we wrap up, here are four general tips to help you write a great Boston College essay. #1: Be Clear and Specific Your Boston College essay should be clear, with specific, concrete details that tell a compelling narrative about you and what you value.Your essay will have more personal impact if you can incorporate critical details, such as the names of people, your reactions/emotions to events or actions, etc. In addition, make sure your story is focused and doesn't meander onto less relevant, less interesting, or less significant topics. For instance, if you’re writing about how you enjoy volunteering at retirement homes, there's no point in elaborating on other values you have or other service projects you’re involved in since doing so will take away from the main focus of your essay. #2: Use an Honest Voice While Embracing Jesuit Values As with any college essay, try to channel an authentic voice.Exaggerations in your emotions or reactions are generally pretty easy for admissions committees to detect, so don't bother trying to make a particular experience in your life seem more significant than it really was. Be honest with yourself: what is important to you?What do you believe Boston College must know about you?And what do you feel defines who you are and what you want to do? Remember that Boston College is a Jesuit school that strongly values specific qualities, including morality, honesty, and community service. If you have a strong passion for any Jesuit values and often exercise them in your life, make sure you’re clearly touching on these in your essay so you can further emphasize how Boston College is an ideal fit for you. #3: Don’t Repeat What You Wrote for the Common App Essay All Boston College applicants must write, in addition to the essay we’ve talked about in this article, a separate personal statement that responds to one of the Common App prompts. Since many of these prompts are similar to the Boston College essay prompts listed above, it’s critical that you do not repeat any major themes or topics in your two essays. Each essay is meant to showcase a different side of you, and if you’re simply repeating yourself in both essays, you won’t be revealing anything unique or interesting about yourself- which will not impress the Boston College admissions committee at all! #4: Edit and Proofread a Lot You’ll want to spend a good amount of time editing and proofreading your Boston College essay. The best way to do this is to write a rough draft and then put it away for a few days.After some time has passed, take out your essay so you can look it over with a fresh perspective.Note any areas that are irrelevant, awkward, or grammatically incorrect. Once you’ve done this a few times, give your essay to someone else to read, such as a teacher, parent, or older sibling.Ask for feedback on what you can improve in terms of flow, organization, and overall story. You should now have an excellent Boston College essay ready to submit! What’s Next? If you're applying to Boston College, you're likely applying to other colleges on the East Coast, too. Check out our expert guides to the Duke essay, the Tufts essays, and the Harvard essay. Need help writing your Common App essay? Our tips will show you how to write a Common App essay guaranteed to make you stand out from other applicants! To learn more about Boston College, including what GPA and SAT/ACT scores you'll need to get in, check out our Boston College admission requirements page. Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. 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